Signed in as:
Once you have submitted your enrollment information and Pay Pal payment you will be able to come by and pick up your access credentials for 24 hour access! Our normal staffed hours are Mon-Thurs 2p-7p and Fir-Sat 12p-3p.Thank You.
Acknowledgment of Risks, Injury & Obligations
I acknowledge that the activity I am to undertake is a dangerous activity and that by participating in it I am exposed to certain risks.
I acknowledge and understand that whilst participating in such activity;
• I may be injured, physically or mentally, or may die;
• My personal property may be lost or damaged;
• Other persons participating in such activity may cause me injury or may damage my property
• I may cause injury to other persons or damage their property
• The conditions in which the activity is conducted may vary without warning
• I may be injured or die or suffer damage to my property as a result of the negligence or breach of contract of LIFTERS GYM
• There may be no or inadequate facilities for treatment or transport of me if I am injured
• I assume the risk of and responsibility for any injury, death or property damage resulting from my participation in the activity.
Release and Indemnity
I participate in the activity at my sole risk and responsibility.
I release, indemnify and hold harmless LIFTERS GYM, its servants and agents, from and against all and any actions or claims which may be made by me or on my behalf or by other parties for or in respect of or arising out of any injury, loss, damage or death caused to me or my property whether by negligence, breach of contract or in any way whatsoever.
Appropriate covered footwear & clothing must be worn and towels must be used at all times whilst in the gymnasium. Memberships are not refundable or transferable. All weights and equipment must be put back after use. Photo ID cards (student card or drivers license) must be carried and shown upon request. Gym members are responsible for their access card. Shared gym access with a non-member will result in forfeiture of membership effective immediately. Each member must respect other gym users and behave in an appropriate manner at all times. LIFTERS GYM Staff reserve the right to rescind the rights of members not complying with the terms and conditions of the membership. No one under the age of sixteen years (16) will be permitted to enter the gym without adult supervision.
Joining Fee
The joining fee entitles the member to renew or restart their membership within a twelve month period following the expiration of their membership. An access card fee may be applicable.
Term Memberships
After all terms are met all memberships will go forward as a month to month membership until cancelled, according to LIFTERS GYM policy, by the member unless the membership type was paid in full, at which that membership has a start and end date, at the time of enrollment.
Direct Debit Memberships
Direct Debit is an automatic monthly (or according to agreement) deduction through LIFTERS GYM ACH Billing Service. This is an ongoing membership and deductions will be maintained unless the member provides authorization to cancel the direct debit. All members agree to pay a $20 return fee for accounts with insufficient funds or any other reason that does not allow the monthly fee to be drafted as agreed upon at membership signing. The minimum term of a Direct Debit Membership is 12 months unless a non agreement rate was chosen at the time of sign up. After the initial 12 months, the member may cancel the direct debit. Early termination will result with a termination fee determined by LIFTERS GYM. To cancel a direct debit membership, the member must complete a direct debit cancellation request according to current Lifters Gym policy 30 days prior to the termination date. Early termination fees apply to all memberships that are cancelled before the agreement has been met.
A member may suspend their membership once the members minimum agreement has been met. A membership can be suspended for a minimum term of one month and maximum term of 2 months. A 30 day notice must be given in person to LIFTERS GYM Staff in order to suspend payment. If the member is under contract during the suspension the member agrees to have the hold months added to the end of the original agreement date to fulfill said agreement. Early reactivation is permissible.
Access Cards
All members must bring their access card and scan upon each visit to the gym. All members must register their attendance by swiping their access card at the front entrance prior to entering the facility. Members can obtain a replacement card if an access card is lost or stolen. Replacement cards are available from reception at a cost determined by LIFTERS GYM. If an access card is faulty a replacement card will be issued at no cost to the member only upon return of the original faulty card.
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